Facilitated by Dennis Paoli and Trudy Smoke
The Hunter College Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) Program and ACERT are sponsoring a Teaching Scholarship Circle, a 4-session forum of roundtable discussions, on the issue of “voice” in academic writing. We will meet four times, on alternating Friday mornings:
- Friday, October 24th, 10 a.m. – noon: Hearing Student Voices
What do we hear when we “listen” to student papers? What do we listen for? What do we like to/hate to/expect to hear? How do students “hear” their own writing?
- Friday, November 7th, 10 a.m. – noon: Hearing Academic Voices
What are the significant features of an “academic voice”? How are they different in different disciplines? How do students “hear” a text/lecture in an academic voice?
- Friday, November 21st, 10 a.m. – noon: Teaching Academic Voice
How do we help students bridge the gap, if there is one, between their writing “voice” and a more academic voice? How best do we help them learn to incorporate the features of an academic/disciplinary voice into their writing?
- Friday, December 5th, 10 a.m. – noon: Assessing Academic Voice
Is “academic voice” a measurable outcome we can assess? If so, how? Can we make the assessment formative for our students? How can we help students avoid the worst possible outcome, plagiarism?
If you want to join us in this discussion, email Dennis Paoli, the Co-coordinator of WAC at Hunter, at dpaoli@hunter.cuny.edu for a seat at the roundtable. Adjunct faculty will receive a Non-Teaching Adjunct Appointment to support their participation. The Teaching Scholarship Circle will fill at 12 participants.